Spiritual Transitional Affiliate
End-of-life intuitive clairvoyant doulas support people / spirits emotionally, physically, spiritual
Service Description
End-of-life intuitive clairvoyant doulas support people / spirits emotionally, physically, spiritually and practically: sitting vigil, giving spiritual massages, relaying clairvoyant spiritual messages for transitioning / transitioned loved ones. a death doula — also known as an end-of-life doula, end-of-life coach, death midwife or death coach — assists a dying person and their loved ones before, during and after death. All psychic readings and consultations are intended to offer insight into a person’s personal and are meant for entertainment purposes only. These readings do not in any way constitute or replace professional or legal , financial , medical, or other advice whatsoever.
Cancellation Policy
The feel the full effects or reiki, it is suggested to receive 4 consecutive reiki treatments in a row. This can be in person or distance reiki sessions. Each session and client is unique and results may very. Each session is intuitive and spirit lead More sessions or touch up spiritual counseling may be required. ABSOLUTLY NO REFUNDS. Client payments for our energetic exchange.
Contact Details